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Monitoring System for National Airspace

Air Ground Analysis System (ATRAK-AGAS) serves for continuous monitoring of airspace over the defined territory. The system evaluates online radar data and flight plan data from air traffic control systems.

ATRAK-AGAS generates alerts (when an aircraft enters restricted and prohibited areas, changes in flight plan data, violations of rules etc.) for operators that are displayed at multiple workstations. Operators then record in the system how the alerts were resolved. The system archives all data and allows to search the alert history or play back any specific situation in the airspace.

Key Features 

  • Monitoring system for national airspace  
  • Realtime display of radar tracks and flight records  
  • Configurable alerts based on:  
    • Position of tracks against defined areas of interest 
    • Static data in flight records  
    • Changes of data in flight records, changes in track data 
    • WMTS maps integration for individual target tracking  
  • Recording of air traffic  
  • Advanced filtering of displayed data  
  • Replay of air traffic with optional filters  
  • Archive of flight records and alerts including resolution  
  • Server-client setup with multiple workstations with different data  
  • Integration of national aircraft registry  
  • Checks against Schengen Information System  
  • Developed for the Foreign Police of the Czech Republic 


  • Core of the System 
  • Alerts are generated based on surveillance data or flight plan related data 
  • Configuration file with alerts should be managed according to: 
    • Horizontal or vertical track position 
    • FDR item including changes 
    • System track item (speed, height/altitude, heading) 
  • Identification and surveillance of suspicious flights/flying objects 
    • With respect to flight plan/surveillance related data (departure/arrival airport, change of departure/arrival airport, change of route, deviation from planned route)